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Connection with nature

Connection with nature 5148123 connection with Universe, Grabovoi number. "Embracing the unconscious and spiritual awakening."

"Grabovoi Numbers for Healing, Materialization, and Organ Regeneration"

By James Rink.

For those who don’t know Radionic theory and practice is the concept that man and all life forms share a common ground in that they are all connected to each other within the electro-magnetic field of the earth; and that all life forms carry its own electro-magnetic field, which when sufficiently distorted will result in disease and sickness. Accepting that all is energy, Radionics sees organs, diseases, and remedies as having their own particular frequency or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values or 'Rates' or in the form of geometric patterns. These numbers provide the means by which the practitioner can identify and treat disease at a distance.

With this in mind Grigori Grabovoi would then use his Radionic machine to pinpoint the numbers associated with various health conditions, then instruct his clients to meditate on these numbers resulting in miraculous recoveries such as regenerated uterus’s, kidneys, reversed again, and much more.


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